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Тема: ZEsarUX Emulator

  1. #101
    Master Аватар для Xela
    г. Санкт-Петербург
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    Цитата Сообщение от dj--alex Посмотреть сообщение
    конструктор который позволяет файлы хобеты кидать и извлекать из образов SCL i TRD?

  2. #102
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    dj--alex, я в своем тулчейне использую:
    trdtool by Shiru https://github.com/alfishe/trdtool (зеркало отсюда)
    trdetz by boo_boo https://zx-pk.ru/threads/6317-trdetz...-s-trdami.html (иногда приходится модифицировать start/length в уже сформированном образе)
    и с некоторых пор bas2hob которую Николай Запольнов любезно сделал из bas2tap https://github.com/drunkfly/bas2hob
    SCL файлы не работают в FlashFloppy, так что приходится везде использовать TRD, дабы и в железном, и в эмулируемом все было одинаково.
    Последний раз редактировалось Dexus; 13.07.2022 в 16:19. Причина: пардон

  3. #103
    Сибирский антропоморфн Аватар для Black Cat / Era CG
    Бердск, НСО
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    Цитата Сообщение от Dexus Посмотреть сообщение
    Николай Запольный
    Только он Запольнов
    Личка заполнена! И чистить я ее не буду! Пользуйтесь адекватными средствами связи! Спасибо.

    Seamos realistas y hagamos lo imposible!

    Ernesto Che Guevara
    Переехал сюда: SteinBlume (ex ATM CP/M Explorer)

    Скрытый текст

    Speccy2010 r2 (Спасибо m.d. & xlat),
    Sinclair ZX Spectrum + (Спасибо stepmotor),
    ZX Evolution rev.C + 5'25 FDD Epson SD-700AA + NedoPC PAL-Coder (Спасибо m.d. & xlat)

  4. #104
    Madrid, Spain
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    Цитата Сообщение от dj--alex Посмотреть сообщение
    Im Just want to test my game M2K (Miss2000) for Zx-spectrum in hobeta format and Rescue , Heroquest Map editors.

    ZEsarUX_linux-10.1-debian11_x86_64.tar.gz - Linux Mint \ Ubuntu

    user@PC1:~/Pobrane/ZEsarUX-10.1$ sudo sh install.sh
    [sudo] password for user:
    Installing ZEsarUX under /usr ...
    cp: cannot stat 'salamanquesa.bmp': No such file or directory
    Install done
    Just do a "touch salamanquesa.bmp" before running install

    user@PC1:~/Pobrane/ZEsarUX-10.1$ zesarux
    zesarux: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    That's because I compile it on Debian, not on ubuntu. Get the source code and compile it


    - - - Добавлено - - -

    Цитата Сообщение от dj--alex Посмотреть сообщение
    Через виндовс версию запустил

    Не понял как запустить мою игру Miss2000 (M2K ZX)
    $B файлы исполнимые не кидаются в программу, а через Smart load не грузятся
    ОС Линукс минт 19.3 ч64

    What are these "$B" files?

  5. #105
    Сибирский антропоморфн Аватар для Black Cat / Era CG
    Бердск, НСО
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    Цитата Сообщение от chernandezba Посмотреть сообщение
    What are these "$B" files?
    It's old (VERY OLD) format for TR-DOS files.
    Личка заполнена! И чистить я ее не буду! Пользуйтесь адекватными средствами связи! Спасибо.

    Seamos realistas y hagamos lo imposible!

    Ernesto Che Guevara
    Переехал сюда: SteinBlume (ex ATM CP/M Explorer)

    Скрытый текст

    Speccy2010 r2 (Спасибо m.d. & xlat),
    Sinclair ZX Spectrum + (Спасибо stepmotor),
    ZX Evolution rev.C + 5'25 FDD Epson SD-700AA + NedoPC PAL-Coder (Спасибо m.d. & xlat)

  6. #106
    Madrid, Spain
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    По умолчанию ZEsarUX 10.2

    New ZEsarUX stable version 10.2!! Download it from:


    The changelog for this version is:

    Version 10.2 - Hysteria edition. 26 October 2022

    * New things added:

    Added configurable icons to the ZX Desktop. These icons can:
    -Open windows, for example View Sprites
    -Trigger actions, like Reset
    -File links, these are linked to tapes or snapshots on your disk drive
    -There are other special icons, like Trash Can
    These icons opens a whole new world on ZEsarUX, so the ZX Desktop is becoming a Full Desktop environment

    Added new emulated machines:
    -ZX Spectrum 48k+
    -Microdigital TK80
    -Microdigital TK82
    -Microdigital TK82C
    -Microdigital TK83
    -Microdigital TK85
    -Microdigital TK95 Spanish
    -Timex Computer 2048
    -Timex Computer 2068
    -Timex Sinclair 1000
    -Timex Sinclair 1500

    Added Copy Interfaces emulation:
    -Hilow Barbanegra
    -Microhobby Pokeador Automatico

    Added Dinamic SD1 emulation
    Allow .Z80 corrupted snapshot loading from ZXSP emulator with additional header of 31 byte size
    Added ZSF support for Timex TS2068, MK14, Chrome, Prism, Chloe, Sam Coupe
    Added path setting where to download files from the speccy and zx81 online browser
    Added disk image browsing from storage MMC/IDE menus
    Added PZX load support as standard tape
    Added TAP to PZX converter
    Added TAP to TZX turbo converter (TZX Turbo 4000 bauds, to use with Rodolfo Guerra ROMS)
    Added TAP to SCR converter
    Added some actions than can be fired from command line and don't start ZEsarUX:
    --convert-tap-tzx, --convert-tap-tzx-turbo-rg, --convert-tap-pzx , --convert-tap-scr, --convert-tzx-tap, --convert-pzx-tap

    * Improvements:

    Improved Z88 emulation:
    -Changed colour palette to better match a real Z88
    -Show keys shortcuts below the Z88 display
    -Snapshot setting & menu action to synchronize Z88 clock with your computer clock
    -Inserting Z88 cards: now it does not hang the emulator during the insert
    -Selecting Z88 cards: submenus for types and sizes
    -Z88 footer: show when writing a card in slot 3, colors follow style
    -Z88 device icons: different icons for slot 1,2,3, show when writing a card in slot 3, show when flap is open

    Improved File selector:
    -Allow to have a full screen preview if window is big enough
    -Better hotkeys explanation

    Improved Debugging:
    -Allow to change memory pointer to a value from the stack
    -Added a setting to show on which scanline has been executed a Halt, inverting border color
    -When enabling step mode, emulation is paused on all menus
    -Preserve step mode when exiting debug cpu that was opened by a breakpoint
    -When a breakpoint is fired, step mode is kept on all menus
    -Breakpoints actions "call", "printc", "set-register" and "write" can now use expressions instead of fixed values
    -Added breakpoint actions: "disassemble", "printregs"
    -Warn on footer when step mode
    -Enlarge width of breakpoints list

    Improved SmartLoad & Drag-Drop:
    -Allow to load a .rom file as a custom rom file for the current machine
    -Allow to Drag-Drop when menu open

    Improved ZX Vision:
    -Reorder windows when changing machine but only when ZEsarUX window is smaller than previous one
    -Custom arrows characters
    -Windows are now restored by default on starting ZEsarUX
    -Better resize & reposition for new windows out of range

    Improved ZX Desktop:
    -Allow to extend ZX Desktop vertically
    -Right mouse button is now used for secondary actions. It no longer simulates ESC key (unless you enable it on ZX Vision Settings)
    -Added frame around emulated machine
    -Added setting to mix scr image with background
    -Allow to set any tape/snapshot/disk that contains a spectrum screen (SCR) as background
    -Apply frameskip when drawing ZX Desktop Background

    Improved HiLow DataDrive emulation:
    -Allow to Format, Browse and Chkdsk a Hilow DataDrive image (.ddh file)
    -Allow to convert audio from a real Hilow DataDrive tape to an image file (.ddh)
    -Added technical documentation on the extras package

    Improved ZX Spectrum Next emulation: added sprite rendering priority bit
    Improved ZRCP: allow to change command prompt
    Improved generated TZX and PZX files: include date and ZEsarUX version in header
    Improved Custom machine menu: added +2E MMC machine
    Improved Tape browser: show autostart line on basic blocks

    * Fixes:

    Fixed handling files larger than 2 GB on 32 bit CPU (it also applies to the Windows version even on a 64 bit CPU)
    Fixed using mmc images larger than 2 GB
    Fixed redrawing ZX Desktop when resizing main ZEsarUX window
    Fixed hang when using View Variables and memory is corrupted
    Fixed hang pressing two times F-key assigned to Pause (Mac OS unaffected)
    Fixed bug that may crash ZEsarUX when starting machine ZX Spectrum +2 Spanish. This is a bug that has always existed
    Fixed losing inserted Z88 cards when changing cpu speed
    Fixed Z80 behavior after EI or DD/FD prefixes and interrupts
    Fixed Z80 behavior running block opcodes (LDIR, etc) and interrupts
    Fixed .Z80 Timex TS2068 snapshot loading
    Fixed showing Recent Files when file name contains character %
    Fixed HiLow DataDrive emulation: can now load, save, format... all actions are now working
    Fixed crash (stack smashing detected) when showing Debug CPU window (and compiled using -fstack-protector)
    Fixed segfault when starting ZEsarUX + disabled welcome splash message + enabled reopen windows on start setting + no window to restore
    Fixed trap print numbers on Spectrum and ZX81 (setting --chardetectcompatnum)
    Fixed segfault when selecting an invalid file type on real tape
    Fixed Keyboard Help image for Spectravideo 318
    Fixed allowed machines when saving snapshots .ZX
    Fixed Breakpoints actions: now are executed everywhere (even in the menu)
    Fixed pressing key c (continuous mode) on debug cpu (emulation was unpaused temporarily)
    Fixed TZX turbo files extract (including screen previews), convert & file info
    Fixed .Z80 and .ZSF screen previews when using 128k screen page 7
    Fixed .DSK extract
    Fixed crash when saving .ZSF snapshots when a byte DD is found just before a byte is repeated more than 256 times
    Fixed Next MMC images download. Now you need SSL enabled on compilation

    Fixed ZX Vision:
    -Fixed showing cursor on edit fields and text length longer than visible

    * As always, there are some other minor bugfixes and improvements


  7. Эти 3 пользователя(ей) поблагодарили chernandezba за это полезное сообщение:

    Doronetty (28.10.2022), Oleg N. Cher (27.10.2022), Xela (27.10.2022)

  8. #106
    С любовью к вам, Yandex.Direct
    Размещение рекламы на форуме способствует его дальнейшему развитию

  9. #107
    Madrid, Spain
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    По умолчанию ZEsarUX 10.3 Beta

    New ZEsarUX 10.3 Beta version!

    You can download it from : https://github.com/chernandezba/zesa...rUX-10.3-Beta1

    Attention Windows users: this release (probably) has the definitive fix for those annoying and ugly audio clicks Please test it and see if it's fixed for you.

    Apart from that, this Beta version has a lot of changes:

    * New things added:

    Added Machine Amstrad CPC 6128
    Added Machine Amstrad CPC 664
    Added Machine Amstrad PCW 8256
    Added Machine Amstrad PCW 8512
    Added Advanced menu items: now by default, advanced menu items are hidden, you should enable them on Settings->Advanced menu items
    Added Visual Floppy to see floppy disk (+3, CPC, PCW, Betadisk) activity
    Added Poke F-Function
    Added Visual Real Tape F-Function
    Added Process Switcher window, which is like a "Taskbar" on the ZX Desktop
    Added Settings F-Function
    Added DSK disk info menu: to get tracks and sectors of a disk
    Added ZRCP command: "close-all-menus"
    Added icon/F-key to open any window identified by its name
    Allow F-keys to assign extra info for actions (like window name on openwindow action, or snapshot name on linktosnapshot action)
    Added XEyes "Toy" to follow mouse
    Added more Hotswap combinations
    Added command line setting --machinelist to get machines list names whitespace separated
    Added Sierpinsky Meter Type to View Sensors
    Added .POK file Smartloading
    Added SDL Audio Callback type setting in order to fix Windows Audio clicking

    * Improvements:

    Improved Configuration:
    - better parsing: warning when ZEsarUX has been downgraded
    - if unknown parameter on configuration file, warn the user but start anyway
    - moved showing Configuration file from Running info menu to Settings-> Configuration file

    Improved File selector:
    - Can show recent folders (press space on recent files)

    Improved DSK viewer:
    - better filesystem detection
    - show hidden and read only files
    - show disk specification format
    - show where files are located on Visual Floppy

    Improved DSK extractor:
    - better filesystem detection

    Improved Debug Console: better refresh, dynamic width?? (TODO)
    Improved Debug Messages: allow to filter by message class (DSK, PD765, etc...)
    Improved Debug I/O ports window: autoresize content height when do not fit in window

    Improved Debug CPU:
    - switched function keys "m" and "o": now "x" change mode, and "m" change memptr (to be coherent with other similar windows)
    - added (hl), (de), (bc)
    - added (nn) when selecting an opcode like: ld reg,(nn) and ld (nn),reg
    - added (ix+d), (iy+d) when selecting an opcode like: ld reg,(IX+d), etc
    - added continuos speed 4 (run 10 opcodes every time, with no pause)
    - show last memory pointer when changing it
    - show B register on satisfy condition for DJNZ
    - added new functions OPMRV(e), OPMWV(e), OPMRA(e), OPMWA(e): these return 1 if the last opcode has set any of these variables to e.
    - added pseudoregister EPC to parser to match memory bank and offset for PC register
    - allow holding keys for quick cursor move, etc
    - watches now show numbers in hexadecimal format

    Improved View Sprites:
    - sprite is no longer disabled when changing memory pointer
    - you can view sprites up to 1024x1024
    - show PCW common format screen

    Improved changing pointer on some windows: can use an expression when changing memory pointer on Debug CPU, View Sprites, Hexdump, Disassemble, Poke
    Improved changing to machines with big displays (Next, QL, CPC...): zoom is autochanged to 1
    Improved joystick type selection

    Improved ZX Desktop:
    - Dynamic icons (Trash, My Machine, ...) assigned on top buttons now show dynamic state (trash empty/full, current machine image, etc)
    - Show icon indicators for open apps on ZX Desktop
    - Added setting to empty Trash on exit
    - Fixed icons zoom level when selecting some machines that use menu gui zoom = 2 (Next, CPC, QL, etc)
    - ZX Desktop size now is multiplied by GUI Zoom (Zoom 2 on machines like Next, CPC, QL, etc)
    - CF2 Floppy icon (+3, CPC, PCW) now is animated when motor is on

    Improved ZX Vision:
    - Added windows TaskBar
    - Added Process ID (PID) for all windows
    - Text input fields now handle repeated keys
    - Some text input fields now have history of last items, and history is saved on configuration file
    - Added function to maximize all windows
    - Allow reducing character height
    - Improve window list showing spent time on each window and pid of each window/process
    - Improve rendering background windows
    - Yes/no confirmation dialogs are translated to si/no in Spanish and Catalan

    * Fixes:

    Fixed random crash on startup on Linux when executing some network operations (check updates, check last users, send updates)
    Fixed segfaults when exiting using CTRL-C
    Fixed Spectrum +3 disk emulation: TODO: add more details here
    Fixed autoload on Spectrum +3
    Fixed bug that may crash ZEsarUX when changing to a machine with bigger resolution. It seems to affect Linux and Windows but not Mac. This is a bug that has always existed (a "long life bug" XD)

    Fixed showing creator on DSK file viewer
    Fixed pause: can now return when pressing mouse button too
    Fixed assembler parsing expressions (NN) and NN is an hexadecimal number

    * As always, there are some other minor bugfixes and improvements

  10. Эти 3 пользователя(ей) поблагодарили chernandezba за это полезное сообщение:

    Doronetty (17.04.2023), Oleg N. Cher (16.04.2023), Xela (13.04.2023)

  11. #108
    Madrid, Spain
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    По умолчанию ZEsarUX 10.3


    You can download a new ZEsarUX stable version 10.3


    Version 10.3 - La Abadia del Crimen edition. 10 May 2023

    There are lots of changes in this version, but some of them are remarkable:
    - Added machines Amstrad PCW 8256, PCW 8512, CPC 6128, CPC 664
    - Fixed 3" CF2 floppy disk emulation (used on +3, CPC, PCW): the floppy disk emulation has been rewritten from scratch and now is near perfect
    - Lots of improvements on Debug CPU window
    - Fixed almost all annoying audio clicks on Windows version (and on SDL audio driver on Linux)

    The full changelog for this version 10.3 is:

    * New things added:

    Added Machine Amstrad PCW 8256
    Added Machine Amstrad PCW 8512
    Added Machine Amstrad CPC 6128
    Added Machine Amstrad CPC 664
    Added Visual Floppy to see floppy disk (+3, CPC, PCW, Betadisk) activity
    Added DSK disk info menu: to get tracks and sectors of a disk
    Added F-Functions: Poke, Visual Real Tape, Settings, Switch footer
    Added Process Switcher window, which is like a "Taskbar" on the ZX Desktop
    Added ZRCP command: "close-all-menus"
    Added icon/F-key to open any window identified by its name
    Allow F-keys to assign extra info for actions (like window name on openwindow action, or snapshot name on linktosnapshot action)
    Added more Hotswap combinations
    Added Advanced menu items: now by default, advanced menu items are hidden, you should enable them on Settings->Advanced menu items
    Added command line setting --machinelist to get machines list names whitespace separated
    Added .POK file Smartloading
    Added XEyes "Toy" to follow mouse
    Added Sierpinsky Meter Type to View Sensors

    * Improvements:

    Improved Debug CPU:
    - switched function keys "m" and "o": now "x" change mode, and "m" change memptr (to be coherent with other similar windows)
    - added (hl), (de), (bc)
    - added (nn) when selecting an opcode like: ld reg,(nn) and ld (nn),reg
    - added (ix+d), (iy+d) when selecting an opcode like: ld reg,(IX+d), etc
    - added continuos speed 4 (run 10 opcodes every time, with no pause)
    - show last memory pointer when changing it
    - show B register on satisfy condition for DJNZ
    - added new functions OPMRV(e), OPMWV(e), OPMRA(e), OPMWA(e): these return 1 if the last opcode has set any of these variables to e.
    - added pseudoregister EPC to parser to match memory bank and offset for PC register
    - allow holding keys for quick cursor move, etc
    - watches now show numbers in hexadecimal format

    Improved Debug Console: better refresh, dynamic width
    Improved Debug Messages: allow to filter by message class (DSK, PD765, etc...)
    Improved Debug I/O ports window: autoresize content height when do not fit in window

    Improved Configuration:
    - better parsing: warning when ZEsarUX has been downgraded
    - if unknown parameter on configuration file, warn the user but start anyway
    - moved showing Configuration file from Running info menu to Settings-> Configuration file

    Improved DSK viewer:
    - better filesystem detection
    - show hidden and read only files
    - show disk specification format
    - show where files are located on Visual Floppy

    Improved View Sprites:
    - sprite is no longer disabled when changing memory pointer
    - you can view sprites up to 1024x1024
    - show PCW common format screen

    Improved ZX Desktop:
    - dynamic icons (Trash, My Machine, ...) assigned on top buttons now show dynamic state (trash empty/full, current machine image, etc)
    - show icon indicators for open apps on ZX Desktop
    - added setting to empty Trash on exit
    - fixed icons zoom level when selecting some machines that use menu gui zoom = 2 (Next, CPC, QL, etc)
    - ZX Desktop size now is multiplied by GUI Zoom (Zoom 2 on machines like Next, CPC, QL, etc)
    - CF2 Floppy icon (+3, CPC, PCW) now is animated when motor is on

    Improved ZX Vision:
    - added windows-style TaskBar called "Process Switcher"
    - added Process ID (PID) for all windows
    - text input fields now handle repeated keys
    - some text input fields now have history of last items, and history is saved on configuration file
    - added function to maximize all windows
    - allow reducing character height
    - improved window list showing spent time on each window and pid of each window/process
    - improved rendering background windows
    - yes/no confirmation dialogs are translated to si/no in Spanish and Catalan
    - added more menu translations to Spanish and Catalan

    Improved DSK extractor: better filesystem detection
    Improved ZSF Snapshots: allow to save ROM contents, useful when running custom roms
    Improved File selector: can show recent folders (press space on recent files)
    Improved changing pointer on some windows: can use an expression when changing memory pointer on Debug CPU, View Sprites, Hexdump, Disassemble, Poke
    Improved changing to machines with big displays (Next, QL, CPC...): zoom is autochanged to 1
    Improved joystick type selection
    Improved Raspberry Pi emulation: performance parameters are not changed by default anymore, you must use "--changeslowparameters" on slow Rpi like Rpi1 or 2

    * Fixes:

    Fixed Spectrum +3 disk emulation: the disk emulation layer has been rewritten from scratch and now is near perfect.
    Just some statistics from testing 943 total Spectrum +3 disks:
    -Unprotected games: 98.3 % working
    -Paul Owens protected games: 85.7 % working
    -Speedlock protected games: 54.2 % working
    -Alkatraz protected games: 0 % working
    -Unknown method protected games: 0 % working (a total of 15 disks that seem to be protected but don't know the method)

    Fixed almost all annoying audio clicks on Windows version (and on SDL audio driver on Linux)
    Fixed empty results when querying some games on Speccy online browser
    Fixed random crash on startup on Linux when executing some network operations (check updates, check last users, send updates)
    Fixed segfaults when exiting using CTRL-C
    Fixed autoload on Spectrum +3
    Fixed bug that may crash ZEsarUX when changing to a machine with bigger resolution. It seems to affect Linux and Windows but not Mac. This is a bug that has always existed (a "long life bug" XD)
    Fixed showing creator on DSK file viewer
    Fixed pause: can now return when pressing mouse button too
    Fixed assembler parsing expressions (NN) and NN is an hexadecimal number
    Fixed debug step over and sending keys to emulated machine
    Fixed setting "set machine snap load" when loading .Z80 version 1 snapshots
    Fixed real joystick menu disabled on Mac OS when switching border
    Fixed putting Text Adventure Map window on background

    * Misc Changes:

    Persistent writes on DSK files (+3/CPC/PCW disks) are now disabled by default

    * As always, there are some other minor bugfixes and improvements



  12. Эти 3 пользователя(ей) поблагодарили chernandezba за это полезное сообщение:

    Bedazzle (10.05.2023), Oleg N. Cher (10.05.2023), ^m00h^ (11.05.2023)

  13. #109
    Madrid, Spain
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    По умолчанию ZEsarUX X

    Happy to announce that ZEsarUX is 10 years old! Let's celebrate it by downloading the new version, ZEsarUX X !


    This new ZEsarUX version, called "ZEsarUX ", is a special edition for the 10th anniversary, so the first ZEsarUX version was born 10 years ago.

    There are a lot of new features and bug fixes, but the most important are:

    - Improvements in Network Gaming: Allow to connect more than two hosts (up to 16) and the flash state is sync between al instances. Keep in mind that this ZEsarUX feature allows to play any emulated game at the same time with many friends, every one at his house and connected to Internet. It works for all emulated games, you don't have to modify the games
    - Amstra PCW improvements: Added PCW colour modes (4 or 16 colours) and added PCW Joysticks support: Kempston, Cascade, DKTronics, OPQASpace
    - Text Adventure improvements: Use artificial intelligence (OpenAI) to get realistic images for location description text. Also, added GAC support on Adventure Map and Debug Adventure
    - AY Player improvements: Added playlist management, allow shuffle mode, added silence mode so it skips to next track if detected silence
    - Better menu management: pressing ESC closes all menus, so you don't have to press ESC multiple times to close all submenus
    - Improved Accessibility: Added Sounds for GUI events
    - Added new compiled versions: Ubuntu and Fedora
    - Added another toy "ZXLife" to a new menu Procrastinate

    Full changelog:

    * New things added:

    Added new compiled versions: Ubuntu and Fedora
    Added PCW colour modes
    Added PCW Joysticks support: Kempston, Cascade, DKTronics, OPQASpace
    Added screen previews of directories and compressed files on File Selector
    Added flash support on screen previews on File Selector
    Added rom file selection for any machine you select, rom file name is saved on configuration
    Added another toy "ZXLife" to a new menu Procrastinate
    Added Ascii Table window
    Added Creator Info to ZSF snapshots
    Added compilation system release to Compile info window
    Added Docker support
    Added another easter egg

    * Improvements:

    Improved ZENG:
    - Allow to connect more than two hosts (up to 16)
    - Hostnames/IPs accept changing port using "ort"
    - Allow to disable sending input events (keyboard, joystick)
    - Sync flash state between instances
    - Added ZENG support for Jupiter Ace

    Improved AY Player:
    - Added playlist
    - Added shuffle mode
    - Added silence detection
    - Added show current AY Player song playing on console

    Improved Text Adventure features:
    - Use artificial intelligence to get realistic images for location description text
    - Added configuration setting for char filter
    - Added configuration settings for Text Adventure Map: follow, show unvisited, show unconnected, show objects, show pictures, zoom level
    - Added export draw strings to external file (txt, asm, c or pas)
    - Preserve zoom level on Text Adventure Map when loading games
    - Added GAC support for Text Adventure Map
    - Added GAC support for Debug Adventure (cpu view 8) supporting:
    - Connections table
    - Dictionary
    - Objects
    - Verbs
    - Adverbs
    - Locations
    - Messages

    Improved ZX Vision:
    - New menu behaviour:
    - ESC key always closes all menus
    - When closing a window that's created from a menu, all menus will be closed
    - Cursor left go back to the previous menu, cursor right activates the item (the same as Enter)

    - Added action to put windows in cascade
    - Allow to use your own charset file on ZX Vision
    - Allow to get charset from a game and use as your own charset file on ZX Vision
    - Allow to render only changed pixels (so it speeds up render)
    - Added support for utf-8 characters "ï" and "Á"
    - Process switcher can be set to immutable, so massive actions on menu Windows, like minimize all, cascade, etc, don't affect it
    - Allow to press ESC when selecting a line on a history items
    - Now the window frame changes colour when you move the mouse over the resize zone (bottom right)
    - Improve handling some F-actions/Icons/Redefined buttons: openwindow, linkto-, machineselection

    Improved ZX Desktop
    - Allow to disable border and footer when switching to full screen
    - When switching to full screen and disable ZX Desktop, windows are restored after disabling full screen
    - Set machine icon now is dynamic and shows machine icon indicated by parameter + an arrow
    - Added ZX Desktop icons for TSConf, Baseconf

    Improved ZRCP:
    - Allow multiple simultaneous clients
    - Important changes on ZRCP:
    - Before:
    * when a ZRCP connection is broken, cpu-step-mode will be disabled.
    * when a ZRCP connection is closed by "quit", "exit" or "logout" command, cpu-step-mode will be disabled
    * cpu-step-mode can't be disabled from the menu

    - Now:
    * when a ZRCP connection is broken, cpu-step-mode is not modified.
    * when a ZRCP connection is closed by "quit", "exit" or "logout" command, cpu-step-mode is not modified
    * cpu-step-mode can be disabled from the menu, pressing ESC

    Improved ZX Spectrum Next emulation: updated machine id list
    Improved Process Management: allow to copy any windows contents to internal clipboard
    Improved Accessibility: Added Sounds for GUI events
    Improved inserting Real Tape: process is faster and part runs on background
    Improved Tape browser: allow browsing P and O files
    Improve ZX80 Keyboard help to include Integral Functions

    * Fixes:

    Fixed several memory leaks (thanks to tool valgrind) found on:
    - Drawing Text Aventure Map
    - Loading .Z80 snapshots
    - Using the Speccy online browser
    - Running the Hilow Audio Convert
    - Enabling ZRCP
    - Downloading ZEsarUX extras
    - Downloading ZX Spectrum Next MMC image
    - Syncing file image from File Utilities
    - Copying a folder from File Utilities
    - Showing First Aid Windows

    Fixed Initialization of Visual memory tables
    Fixed ZX Vision windows relocation
    Fixed rendering display when CPU is on Top Speed mode
    Fixed error when no permissions writing to mmc, ide, trd, dsk, ddh (hilow): disable persistent writes when it happens
    Fixed permissions when installing ZEsarUX on Linux: zxuno.flash and tbblue.mmc are now writable by anyone
    Fixed Text Adventure Graphics rendering invalid characters
    Fixed esxdos handler when using fopen flags: FA_READ + FA_WRITE + FA_OPEN_CREAT
    Fixed ZRCP bug when closing connection (socket descriptor was kept open)
    Fixed reading ESC key on curses driver
    Fixed support for .config files on .dsk
    Fixed segfault when: autorewind enabled+insert rwa/smp/wav file as standard tape+end of tape+try to load
    Fixed possible segfault when downloading and uncompressing zip files and canceling operation
    Fixed compilation when disabling pthreads support
    Fixed showing info on Visual Real Tape when inserting a ZX80 audio tape
    Fixed segfault on fbdev driver when changing machine
    Fixed charset on simulate ZX80/81 Display on Speccy
    Fixed simulate real loading when mouse movement
    Fixed glitch switching hardware sprites on View Sprites

    * Misc Changes:

    Changed CPC Copy key assignation: now is the End key on your keyboard

    * As always, there are some other minor bugfixes and improvements

    You can download the new version from:




  14. Эти 2 пользователя(ей) поблагодарили chernandezba за это полезное сообщение:

    ALS (08.09.2023), Oleg N. Cher (01.03.2024)

  15. #110
    Administrator Аватар для CityAceE
    г. Москва
    Записей в дневнике
    Спасибо Благодарностей отдано 
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    394 сообщений
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    По умолчанию

    Dear @chernandezba, please don't create the new thread every time when you make new version of your emulator. Instead of that use this thread for your anounses and discussion.
    С уважением, Станислав.

  16. Этот пользователь поблагодарил CityAceE за это полезное сообщение:

    NEO SPECTRUMAN (08.09.2023)

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